Important Information for Parents of Newborns
- Be sure to add baby onto your insurance within 31 days from the date of birth.
- Never heat the bottle in the microware, always heat with warm water.
- Set hot water heater temperature control to 120˚.
- Do not add extra water to formula.
- Place baby on their back to sleep.
- It is appropriate to place the baby on their stomach while they are awake & under supervision in order for them to develop head control.
- Baby should be in a car seat in the back seat of the car facing backwards and never left in the car unsupervised.
- Never shake the baby.
- Do not give Tylenol until 2 months of age.
- Call office for temperatures >100.4.
- Breast fed babies should be fed every 2-3 hours during the day & every 3-4 hours at night. Formula fed babies should be fed every 3-4 hours.
- Circumcisions should be dressed with Neosporin or Vaseline & gauze until well healed, if not using the plastibell.

Have questions about vaccines?
At Harpeth Pediatrics, our providers know that keeping your child safe is top priority. Click to learn more about our vaccine policy